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Does diet affect fertility -

21-12-2016 à 08:09:18
Does diet affect fertility
One of the most common causes for the inability to conceive is ovulatory disorder, a condition with often unknown cause. The linked epidemics of obesity and diabetes sweeping the country have reproductive repercussions. Each of these women said she was trying to have a baby. Scientists found recently that poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle might be one of the main reasons for ovulatory disorder infertility. The goal of this long-term study was to find the link between the ovulatory disorder and certain food choices and lifestyle. Fertility diets have been around for a while, and a number of websites offers advice on what to eat in order to increase your chances of getting pregnant. A constellation of other factors can come into play. Many couples delay having a baby until they are financially ready or have established themselves in their professions. First, an active sperm burrows into a perfectly mature egg. Their union is both a mad dash and a complex dance, choreographed by hormones, physiology and environmental cues. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Nutrition, worked for eight years with 17,544 women who did not have infertility history and were trying to become pregnant. Over eight years of follow-up, most of them did. Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, which are on the upswing, can cause or contribute to infertility. Women suffering from ovulatory disorder have irregular periods or do not menstruate at all. Even if they get their period, their eggs do not develop well or are not being released from the ovaries. Stress and anxiety, both in general and about fertility, can also interfere with getting pregnant. Farmers, ranchers and animal scientists know more about how nutrition affects fertility in cows, pigs and other commercially important animals than fertility experts know about how it affects reproduction in humans.

Then the resulting fertilized egg nestles into the specially prepared lining of the uterus and begins to grow. They offer nutritional advice that is basically good to follow as a part of healthy lifestyle, regardless of our wish to get pregnant or not. Eliminating trans fats and using more vegetable (unsaturated) oils is good not only for fertility but for avoiding heart diseases, damage to blood vessels and improving insulin sensitivity. Waiting, though, decreases the odds of conceiving and increases the chances of having a miscarriage. Sign up to our daily newsletter for your chance to win. Fewer than 10 percent of women in their early 20s have issues with infertility, compared with nearly 30 percent of those in their early 40s. In a groundbreaking new book, Harvard researchers look at the role of diet, exercise and weight control in fertility. There are small hints scattered across medical journals, but few systematic studies of this crucial connection in people. Every new life starts with two seemingly simple events. Environmental contaminants known as endocrine disruptors, such as some pesticides and emissions from burning plastics, appear to affect fertility in women and men. About one in six women, though, had some trouble getting pregnant, including hundreds who experienced ovulatory infertility—a problem related to the maturation or release of a mature egg each month. Scientists paid particular attention to lifestyle factors and consumption of monounsaturated fats, vegetable protein, carbohydrates with low glycemic index and other nutrients, previously believed to lower the risk of ovulatory disorder. What causes this is not clear, but it can be often traced to eating disorders, insulin resistance, too much exercise or hormonal imbalance. Thousands of women are declared perfectly healthy, but they still cannot get pregnant. What that really means is that 69 percents of cases of infertility due to the ovulatory disorder is preventable by making simple changes in nutrition and lifestyle.

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